Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Otago Girls High School Visit

Every Thursday, for eleven weeks, twelve of the Years 8s from Abbotsford School catch a mini bus or taxi into Otago Girls High School. Some of us go to the computing lab and some go to the language lab. It is really fun because you get to be in a high school with heaps of other kids and can see what happens there. The computing people use things like Scratch, Photoshop and Photostory. On Photoshop we put our faces on cartoons or famous people like Brad Pitt and make them all wiggly and distorted. You can put your faces on cars and other things too and they look amazing!

By Jack Hosking and Ryan Howie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 11
    Sorry to say but we know our blogsite is way cooler than yours!!! Jealous much? We do like how you have followers though. We are awesome :)

    From the best class at Abbotsford School

    Room 10
